Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Post-doc: political philosophy and bioethics: Kiel, Germany

Campus Kiel
Position in political philosophy/theory and bioethics
Institute of Experimental Medicine,
Emmy Noether-Research Group „Political philosophy and bioethics“, University of Kiel
Duration and Starting Date: two years, starting immediately. Salary depending on qualifications (TV-L 13 50% or 100%).
A full-time post-doc position is available in the Emmy Noether-Research Group „Political philosophy and bioethics“, which is funded by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and is situated at the University of Kiel, Institute of Experimental Medicine (Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx).  Political philosophy has informed bioethical debates for several decades, for example in the discussions about the just allocation of health care resources. The Emmy Noether Research Groups looks across a number of issues and discussions in bioethics and examines how concepts and theories of political philosophy have been used to build arguments for particular policy applications in bioethics, and whether this has happened in a consistent way. Exemplary fields of inquiry are theories of justice and priority setting in medicine and health care; normative justifications of public health interventions; health, healthcare and global justice; and solidarity in contemporary bioethics.
Post-doctoral candidates should have completed, or be close to the completion of, a doctorate in political theory/political philosophy, bioethics or a related discipline and should have proven potential to conduct and publish research at an international level. Post-doctoral candidates’ research should fall within the group’s main areas of work. However, other projects will be considered, provided they are compatible with the group’s general focus, namely an analysis of theories of political philosophy in the context of bioethics and their application to practical bioethical questions.
All candidates must have strong analytical skills as well as a demonstrated interest in interdisciplinary and teamwork. Fluency in English is essential; (passive) knowledge of German would be an asset.
Applications of women are specially invited; in the case of similar qualifications, competence and specific achievements, women will be considered on preferential terms, within the framework of the legal possibilities. Candidates with disabilities with equivalent qualifications will be given preference. Weekly working time is currently 38 hours and 50 minutes. Positions are temporary and project-based, with longest possible duration of three years.
Please send your application (cover letter, a 2/3 page research project proposal, CV, two writing samples (not more than 5,000 words, can be excerpts), and contact details for two references IN ONE FILE) to a.buyx@iem.uni-kiel.de with Ref.-No. 688.209.CK. Closing date is 2014-07-11.

Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Dezernat Personal | Recruiting Center

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