My Papers - Open access

The Capability Approach: A Framework for Population Studies   

Limitations of the Millennium Development Goals: a literature review.  (w. Maya Fehling & Brett Nelson) open access. November, 2013. Global Public Health

Health, Vital Goals, and Central Human Capabilities
Bioethics  Open Access.  May, 2013

Bioethics and Social Determinants of Health
May 2013  (w. Michael Marmot)  Download PDF here.

Subjective Wellbeing - A Primer for Poverty Analysts.  October, 2012    Download PDF here.  Open Access Copy Here.

Ethical tensions in dealing with noncommunicable diseases globally. Feb 2012  (With M. McKee & D. Stuckler.)  WHO Bulletin

Health Inequalities, Capabilities, and Global Justice 2011   Download PDF here 

The Right to Sutures: Social Epidemiology, Human Rights, and Social Justice. 2010  (with R. Bell & M. Marmot). Download PDF here.

Global Justice and the Social Determinants of Health. 2010 Ethics & International Affairs.  Download PDF Here.

Epidemiology and Social Justice in Light of Social Determinants of Health  2008  Download PDF here

In Progress - am slowly trying to get open access copies of all my publications.



Venkatapuram, S. 2011. Health Justice. An Argument from the Capabilities Approach, Cambridge, Polity Press.

Venkatapuram, S. (In progress, 2016). Global Health Ethics, Oxford, Routledge.
            Undergraduate level philosophy text book for students of bioethics, global health, philosophy, development. 80,000 words. Original scholarship framing the history and current issues in global health ethics. (under contract)

Broadbent, A. & Venkatapuram, S. (eds.) (In Progress, 2017). The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Public Health, Oxford: Routledge.

            First textbook on the subject defining the various philosophical issues related to various aspects of the research, implementation, and teaching of public health. (under contract) 


Venkatapuram, S. (2014).  Utilitarian Psychiatric Ethics. In: Sadler, J.Z. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatric Ethics.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Venkatapuram, S. & Marmot, M. (2014). Social Determinants of Health. In: Arras, J. D., Kukla, R. & Fenton, E. (eds.) Routledge Companion to Bioethics. Routledge.
Venkatapuram, S. (2014). Values-Based Practice and Global Health. In: Loughlin, M. (ed.) Debates in Values-based medical practice: arguments for and against. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Venkatapuram, S. (2013). Income inequalities, health inequalities and social progress. In: Jacquet, P., Pachauri, R. K. & Tubiana, L. (eds.) Reducing Inequalities.  A sustainable development challenge. 7th ed. New Delhi: TERI Press; Paris, Armand Colin; Beijing, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press. (French and Chinese editions)
Venkatapuram, S. 2012. Health inequalities, capabilities, and global justice. In: Lenard, P. T. & Straehle, C. (eds.) Health Inequalities and Global Justice. Edinburgh: Endinburgh University Press.
Venkatapuram, S. 2012. Nussbaum's capabilities theory and domestic health policy. In: Hawa, B., Weidtmann, N. & Holzchen, Y. M. (eds.) The capability approach on social order. Munster: LIT Verlag.
Porter, J. & Venkatapuram, S. 2012. Ethics and the Right to health. In: Backman, G. (ed.) The Right to Health: Theory and Practice. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur AB.
Smith, R., Coast, J., Lorgelly, P., Al-Janabi, H. & Venkatapuram, S. 2011. The Capabilities Approach. In: Jones, A. M. (ed.) The Elgar Companion to Health Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Brunner, E. & Venkatapuram, S. 2010. Towards a working definition of morality in public health. In: Rosen, B. (ed.) Improving Health and Healthcare. Who is responsible? Who is accountable? Jerusalem: The Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research.

Review Essays / Bibliographies:

Venkatapuram, S. (In press (2015)) Social Justice.  Oxford Bibliographies in Public Health. Oxford University Press. Online reference.

Journal Articles:

Venkatapuram, S., Ventriglio, A. & Bhugra, D. (2015). Capability to be healthy--Implications for prevention. Int J Soc Psychiatry, 61, 518-20. DOI: 10.1177/0020764015588000.
Chiappero-Martinetti, E. & Venkatapuram, S. (2014). The Capability Approach: A Framework for Population Studies. African Population Studies, 28.
Venkatapuram, S. (2014). Mental Disability, Human Rights and the Capabilities Approach: Searching for the Foundations. International Review of Psychiatry.
Fehling, M., Nelson, B. D. & Venkatapuram, S. (2013). Limitations of the Millennium Development Goals: a literature review. Global Public Health, 8, 1109-22.
Venkatapuram, S. (2013). There are many purposes of conditional incentives to accessing healthcare. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 1.
Venkatapuram, S. (2013). Subjective Wellbeing. A primer for poverty analysts. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. 21, 5-17.
Venkatapuram, S. (2013). Health, Vital Goals, and Central Human Capabilities. Bioethics, 27, 271-279.
Venkatapuram, S., Mckee, M. & Stuckler, D. (2012). Ethical tensions in dealing with noncommunicable diseases globally. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization, 90, 241-242.
Venkatapuram, S., Bell, R. & Marmot, M. 2010. The right to sutures: Social epidemiology, human rights, and social justice. Health and Human Rights, 12.
Venkatapuram, S. 2010. Global Justice and the Social Determinants of Health. Ethics and International Affairs, 24, 119-130.
Venkatapuram, S. 2010. Health and Social Justice by Jennifer Prah Ruger. Public Health Ethics, 3.
Venkatapuram, S. 2010. Health, Luck, and Justice by Shlomi Segall. Sociology of Helath & Illness, 32.
Venkatapuram, S. & Marmot, M. 2009. Epidemiology and social justice in light of social determinants of health. Bioethics, 23, 78-89.
Venkatapuram, S. 2009. A Bird's eye view.  Two topics at the Intersection of Social Determinants of Health and Social Justice Philosophy. Public Health Ethics, 2, 224-234.
Venkatapuram, S. 2006. Culture and epidemiology. Book Review. Medicine, healthcare and philosophy, 10, 97-99.
Venkatapuram, S. 2006. Global Justice: Defending Cosmopolitanism. Book Review. International Criminal Justice Review, 16, 205-07.


Venkatapuram, S. 2012. Measuring National Wellbeing. London: UK Parliament Office of Science & Technology.
Stronks, K., Toebes, B., Hendriks, A., Ikram, U. & Venkatapuram, S. 2012. Social justice and human rights as a framework for addressing social determinants of health. Cross-Cutting Task group 'Equity, equality and human rights'. Review of the Social Determinants of Health and the Health Divide in the WHO-European Region.
Global Health Strategies Initiatives.  2012. Shifting Paradigm. How the BRICS are Reshaping Global Health and Development. New Delhi: Global Health Strategies Initiatives.
Santis, W., Whitman, C. V., Venkatapuram, S., Rosenblum, L., Rosati, M. & Palakurthi, P. 2003. HIV/AIDS and Employment: Protecting Young People and Involving Them in Work-Related Solutions.: Education Development Center, Inc., Health & Human Development Program (HHD), Youth Employment Summit (YES).
Venkatapuram, S. 2003. Equity, health equity, and the work of the International Trachoma Initiative. New York: International Trachoma Initiative.
Venkatapuram, S. 2003. Survey of monitoring and measurement tools of health and human rights programs. New York: Doctors of the World - USA.

Venkatapuram, S. 2003. Women, equity and the work of International Trachoma Initiative. New York: International Trachoma Initiative.

Research Contributions:

WHO Regional Office for Europe (2012).  "Review of Social Determinants of Health and the Health Divide in the WHO European Region."
The Marmot Review (2010). "Fair Society, Healthy Lives." Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010.
Commission on Social Determinants of Health (2008). "Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through Action on the Social Determinants of Health. Final Report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health." Geneva: World Health Organization.
Human Rights Watch (2002). Epidemic of abuse: Police harassment of HIV/AIDS outreach workers in India. New York, Human Rights Watch.
Acharya, A. (2001). The Cost of family planning programs in developing countries in 1995 and 2000: A method for estimating cost after ICPD-Cairo. Costing Family Planning-II. HCPDS Working Paper Series. Cambridge, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies.
Acharya, A. (2001). Review of cost estimation methods for family planning services in developing countries after ICPD-Cairo. Costing Family Planning-I. HCPDS Working Paper Series. Cambridge, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies.
Secretary General (2000). Right to development.  Note by the Secretary-General. G. Assembly, United Nations.
Sengupta, A. (2000). The right to development as a human right. Working Paper Series. Boston, FXB Center for Health and Human Rights.

Sengupta, A. (2000). The right to development. Report of the Independent Expert on the Right to Development, Dr. Arjun Sengupta, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 54/175 and Commission on Human Rights resolution E/CN.4/RES/2000/5.

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